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Online Booking

You can contact us using the following form or at the contact details you can find on this page.
We will contact you as soon as possible.

Name (required)

Email (required)


N° of adults

N° of kids

Your message:

Information notice pursuant to article 13 of the GDPR 2016/679. The data, including potentially sensitive data, you provide by filling out this form to request and make a reservation for a stay at our facility will be subject to processing on paper and electronically. Your data will be used only to provide a response to your request and to reserve your stay. Your data may also be used to send advertising and marketing material, but it will not be communicated nor distributed to third parties. The data controller is Sartori Marco, which you can contact to exercise your rights, including the right to access your data or to consolidate, correct or delete it. To read the complete information notice, please refer to: our privacy policy. In case of discrepancies between the Privacy Law in the Italian language and in the other languages, the Italian version prevails.

to the processing of my personal data, including for the purpose of sending advertising and marketing material (voluntary consent).

Contact details:
📱 mobile: +39 338 9710371
📱 mobile: +39 348 6065839